Stunning science has proven the secret to losing belly fat has nothing to do with eating less, counting calories, or exercising more. The latest breakthrough studies have concluded that hidden sugar is the true cause of weight gain and increased belly fat. With a simple swap, we can easily avoid massive amounts of hidden sugar in everyday foods and make smart choices to control our weight.
The Secret
The secret to weight loss is found with two numbers: 15/6. A total of 15 grams of sugar and 6 carb servings are the only numbers we need to count. Just remember 15/6 for the day and you will effortlessly eliminate the most dangerous type of fat to your health -- belly fat. Belly fat not only looks and feels unattractive, it actually surrounds your organs, robbing your body of nutrients, leading to more inflammation, and eventually, assisting in the causes of Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and Cancer.
Remove the guesswork
For a moment, think about the value of having pre-planned and delicious, quick and affordable meals available to you anywhere you go. This is the real life secret to guaranteed weight loss. As my dear friend Dr. Oz says, “Without a plan, we plan to fail.” My TheBellyFatCure.com online program will give you THE plan and simplify the #1 reason for stress for just $4 a week.
“Eat well without dieting or going to the gym with Jorge’s strategies for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” –Mehmet Oz, M.D., Host of the Dr. Oz Show